4 signs she has strong feelings for you

1. She prioritizes you in her life When someone starts developing strong feelings for you, they naturally want to spend more time with you. If she consistently makes time for you, even when her schedule is packed, it’s a clear indication that you hold a special place in her heart. Whether it’s grabbing coffee together or simply enjoying each other’s company, her efforts to be around you speak volumes. 2. She’s attentive and thoughtful Pay attention to the little things she does. Does she remember details about your conversations? Does she surprise you with your favorite snack or remember important dates? These thoughtful gestures show that she’s not only paying attention but also actively trying to make you happy. It’s her way of showing that she cares about you and your happiness. 3. She opens up to you emotionally As trust builds between two people, they become more comfortable sharing their thoughts and feelings. If she confides in you about her dreams, fears, and vulnerabilities, it’s a strong sign that she sees you as someone she can trust and rely on. Emotional intimacy is a key component of a deep connection, and her willingness to be open with you suggests that she values your relationship. 4. She shows physical affection Physical touch is a powerful way to express affection and closeness. Whether it’s holding hands, cuddling, or stealing kisses, her desire to be physically close to you signifies a deeper emotional bond. Pay attention to her body language when you’re together – if she’s affectionate and comfortable with physical contact, it’s a clear indicator of her feelings for you.